About us

luxury women%u2019s ikat velvet handbag and fashion accessoryMieseta is a luxury women's handbag and accessory brand founded by visionary female entrepreneur Handan Yalnız in Istanbul. Known for its elegant craftsmanship, the brand incorporates local traditional Anatolian arts and Uzbek handwoven fabrics into its designs. Mieseta offers unique products such as luxury silk velvet ikat bags, ikat slippers, luxury home decor items, and exclusive caftan collections made from ikat fabrics.

Drawing inspiration from the rich cultural heritage of Istanbul and the modern design world, Mieseta combines Turkish craftsmanship with handwoven silk ikat fabrics from Uzbekistan, creating timeless and unique products.

Mieseta’s collections feature high-quality materials and carefully crafted Uzbek fabrics, created by skilled artisans. Each Mieseta piece blends functionality and aesthetic, standing out not only as an accessory but also as an artistic collection piece.

With a global vision, Mieseta aims to introduce Istanbul’s design and artistic perspective to fashion enthusiasts worldwide. Its designs reflect values of elegance, uniqueness, and functionality, continuing to add a sophisticated touch to any environment. For wholesale orders worldwide, feel free to contact us and explore our unique designs that will elevate your brand and business.

Handan Yalnız